TONIGHT-- "The People of Clarendon County"

on Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We proudly present, free to the public
"The People of Clarendon County--a play by Ossie Davis"
Based on the book edited by journalist and Aesthetic Realism Associate Alice Bernstein

Hear Alice Bernstein tell of conversations with actor/activist Ossie Davis and uncovering his 1955 Civil Rights play celebrating one of the great lawsuits in American history, and how, with his encouragement, it is performed in relation to the education that can end racism: Aesthetic Realism, founded by the great philosopher, Eli Siegel.
See “The People of Clarendon County,” about black parents who risked death to fight for “equal” education, leading to the historic Supreme Court school desegregation ruling, Brown v. Board of Education—performed by Tulane’s Erin Sanders, Erica Zacharie, W.B. Whitted␣␣and Loyola's Victor Jones

Experience the Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method as educator, Monique Michael (born in Haiti) gives an interactive first grade lesson on diversity in birds and people. See why this method brings out every child’s true intelligence and ends prejudice in the classroom.
Meet unsung heroes from our own community!

ADR Developments, Jobs, Trainings, & Resources

on Thursday, December 2, 2010

Notices of ADR Developments, Jobs, Trainings, & Resources
Click here to read more!

What's Inside:
1.  NTL Institute ( will be offering a 10% discount to anyone from the Federal ADR and the Mediators Beyond Borders community that registers for a class by January 1st, 2011.
2.  Question regarding establishing school peer mediation program in Washington, DC
3.  How to subscribe to Jobs & Internships list of Tom Mantos
5.  Book: Peace: The Other Side of Anger, written by Dave Wolffe
6.  JOB OPENING: Senior ProgramManager/Senior Facilitator (U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution)
7.  JOB OPENING: Associate University Ombuds Officer (Columbia University, New York)
8.  CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Chief Judge Robert M. Bell Award for Outstanding Contribution to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Maryland
9.  40-Hour Basic Mediation Workshop  - Mediation Matters (Bethesda, Maryland)
10. Maryland Home Improvement Commission (MHIC) is embarking on a project to use mediation to resolve disputes between home improvement contractors and home owners
11.  ACR Workplace Section - Conflict Coaching Committee Teleseminar (Dec 9)
12.  JOB OPENING: Contract Corporate Counsel (Humanity United)
13.  JOB OPENING: Demand Dignity Campaigner (Amnesty International)
14.  ACR Environment and Public Policy Section - Technology & Environmental Conflict Resolution:  Best Practices Webinar (December 9)
15. ABA TELECONFERENCE - The Brains Behind the Deals: Insights from Neuroscience for Litigators, Deal Makers and Dispute Resolvers (Dec 14)

ADR Developments, Jobs, Trainings, & Resources

on Sunday, November 28, 2010

Notices of ADR Developments, Jobs, Trainings, & Resources
Click here to read more!
What's Inside...

1.  Cornell University’s Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution has the following upcoming training programs
2.  Divorce Mediation Trainer Internship: January. 11-15, 2011 LOS ANGELES
3.  Dates of Safe Horizon mediation trainings and apprenticeship program
4.  JOB OPENING: The University of Maryland School of Law seeks applicants for a faculty position in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution
5.  Ron Kraybill's Trainer's Guide to Successful Confllct Styles can be downloaded for free at   Follow the instructions on the website
6.  Call for Applications for Internship Opportunities
8.  Request from Director of the ADR Division of Georgetown Law's Barristers' Council
9.  Center for Stabilization and Reconstruction Studies Workshop - “Building Capacities for Cross-Cultural Communication” (February 13 - 17, 2011)
11.  CRDC is proud to announce the opening to the general public of its International Applied Conflict Resolution Courses, stand alone courses that will enable students and practitioners the rare opportunity to complement professional and educational development with practice by engaging in real interventions into complex conflicts throughout the world during Winter, Spring and/or Summer breaks. 
12.  Community Alternative Mediation, Inc.,(CALM) a community mediation and conflict resolution center in Frederick County, Maryland is accepting letters of interest and resumes for the director's position until November 30, 2010
13.  Assessing Our Internal GPS (Global Positioning System) When Navigating the Transitions through Cultural Diversity, Conflict, and Change in Our Personal Lives and When We Serve as Mediators (Date: December 16 & 17, 2010)
14.  JOB OPENING: EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT - Partners for Democratic Change (Partners)
15. I am forwarding a link to Arjuna Ardagh's video blog released yesterday, "Becoming an Agent of Collective Healing".
16. USIP resources on Women and War
18.  JOB OPENING: The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has an exciting new opportunity for an experienced professional Ombudsman
19.  JOB OPENING: Gender Advisor (Washington, DC)
20.  JOB OPENING.  The NYU School of Continuing and Professional Studies is seeking an experienced professional to teach an introductory conflict resolution course during the summer 2011 semester

REMINDER: This Wednesday at Noon: Lunch with Ernest Legier

on Monday, November 8, 2010

Don't forget-- ADR Law Society invites you to join us for lunch this Wednesday (11.10.2010) for lunch with Ernest Legier, as he shares perspectives on arbitration. 

Mentoring Techniques in the Mediation Process

on Saturday, October 30, 2010

Click here for an excellent paper on mentoring techniques within the mediation process.  We appreciate John Settle sharing, via Deborah Laufner, this paper he developed with Geetha Ravindra and Toby Tream Guerin.

Should you have any questions for John Settle, he can be contacted at:

John Settle
SETTLEment Associates LLC

ADR Developments, Jobs, Trainings, and Resources

Notices of ADR Developments, Jobs, Trainings, & Resources
Click here to read more!
What's Inside...
1. ACR call for proposals for the 11th Annual Conference extended to November 19, 2010
2. ACR – Comment deadline on the draft “Ethical Standards for Non-Decision Making Neutrals” (Due October 31, 2010)
3.  ‪New, Affordable ACR Membership Program for International Members  r
4. ACR Offers Great Deals on Professional Insurance
5. Changing Status of Coexistence International within Brandeis University
6. Webinar with Bill Ury on November 1, 2010: Creative Uses of Conflict Resolution Skills
7. Northern Virginia Mediation Service (NVMS) - 2011 training schedule!
8. The MTI Monthly Newsletter (October 2010
9. Federal contractors must navigate workplace mediation without roadmap
10. Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) certification training. (Annapolis, MD, November 18-19, 2010)
11. Job Posting: University of California San Francisco
12.  Job Posting: Apollo Group 
13.   Job Posting: American Red Cross
14.    Coke Ombuds Addresses International Bar Association
15.   Report Released on Measuring Peace in the Media
16.    ‪Job: Assistant or Associate Professor and Director of the Mississippi Innocence Project
17.    Job: Assistant Professor, Cross-Cultural Communication/Intercultural Relations
18.   Job: Tenured Associate or Full Professor
19.    Job: Diversity Fellow in African American Studies or Cross-Cultural Psychology
20.    Job: Director, Institute of Government
21.     Check out Transparency International 2010 Corruption Perceptions Index

With special thanks to Deborah S. Laufer and Zarra Elias for providing the information and resources.

Mark Your Calendar: ADRLS hosts Ernest Legier

on Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We are proud to announce that our next event will be a talk by Ernest Legier of the American Arbitration Association. Tulane ADR Law Society will host him as he offers his professional perspectives on November 10, in the MPR of Weinmann Hall at noon. We look forward to welcoming Mr. Legier, our members, and anyone else interested in learning more about the field of arbitration over lunch.